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NaNoWriMo+Mood Music Ep. 3

NaNoWriMo+Mood Music Ep. 3

Read books! How many times do I have to say it!?

I advocate for the reading of books. I also advocate for the reading of long articles, like in papers or magazines. And, while I care deeply about what actual books or long articles you read, honestly, it’s just more important that you do it.

Why? Because setting time aside to read NOT on a screen makes a huge difference to your brain. If you don’t believe me, here’s some cursory online evidence. But even more than these points, I think reading longer works, and allowing yourself to disappear into them—meaning, literally lose your Self—can cultivate empathy and broaden your perspectives. Some say this is true about travel. So if you are looking for some travel vibes but can’t go anywhere, just read my good friend Alex Robertson Textor’s beautiful travel magazine, Fields & Stations, which offers longer, more thoughtful articles on travel to the point that, reading the articles alone makes you feel like you’ve gone on the world’s most amazing trip.

Some also say that reading can help you feel more humility, and gratitude for the little things. If you’re looking for something to read in that vicinity, you can pre-order a paper copy of my good friend Amy Jamrog’s Confetti Moments: 52 Vignettes to Spark Conversation, Connect Deeply & Celebrate the Ordinary.

But, whatever you choose to read, don’t fear the quiet. Take a book into it with you, and work hard to get over the hump of your phone and to-do lists and what-have-yous pulling at you. I promise if you can make it past the first 25 pages, you’re gonna feel pretty good.

And now: Name. That. Mood! Honestly this one kind of sounds like I swallowed Herbie Hancock and prevented him from finishing his musical thought. What do you think?


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Unfit to Podcast!
Limited Series podcasts including:
Hello Again, Mom, a 5-episode series about loss, grief, and shaping a new relationship with the one who has passed.
NaNoWriMo, a 9-part mini series showcasing writing tips and original music made during NaNoWriMo 2022
...and more podcasts coming soon
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Melissa Fondakowski