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NaNoWriMo+Mood Music Ep. 8

NaNoWriMo+Mood Music Ep. 8

Carpe Dishes!

Today’s is short, sweet, and to the point: you don’t need to do anything to earn the right to sit down and take time to be creative, or work on your creative project. Getting to work on the thing you want to work on is not something you have to earn.

Certainly, there are other responsibilities that require your attention, but don’t get into the habit of believing that ALL of those responsibilities need to be cleaned off your plate in order for you to deserve time to sit with your creative project. Just ask yourself: do I NEED to wash the dishes right now, or can I do it later? Do I NEED to get to the grocery store right now or can I do it later? Do I HAVE to work beyond my scheduled hours right now, or can I shut the computer down? Be honest, and be brave. Because the other side of the coin is, being so afraid to sit down and work on your project that you fill up your schedule with tasks so that there is no time left to create! Just give yourself a little bit of time and a little bit of space and trust that, like anything new or difficult or strange, once you get into it, you are really going to enjoy it.

And now: Name. That. Mood! Anyone that knows me knows I’m raising my shoulders up and down, along with my eyebrows, and, with full jazz hands, am creepy-smiling around the apartment. What do you think?


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Unfit to Podcast!
Limited Series podcasts including:
Hello Again, Mom, a 5-episode series about loss, grief, and shaping a new relationship with the one who has passed.
NaNoWriMo, a 9-part mini series showcasing writing tips and original music made during NaNoWriMo 2022
...and more podcasts coming soon
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Melissa Fondakowski